Wednesday, March 2, 2011

hans hofmann!:)

Hans Hofmann
(March 21, 1880 – February 17, 1966) was a German-born in American. He's an abstract expressionist painter. He was born in Weißenburg, Bavaria on March 21, 1880 the son of Theodor and Franziska Hofmann. In 1932 he immigrated to the USA, where he resided until the end of his life.

There are different in a lot of ways, they aren't painted in a the way too look in order soo it looks diferent than the other paints. There are geometrical shapes as scquares of diferent sizes soo when you look at the paint you see all the shapes in another way, there are a lot of straight lines, the principal color is the green, and the squares are painted with bright colors to create a new way too see it.

the picture make me feel confuse because i don't really understad what he want to express. I think he want to express that all you can use a lot of things as shapes to express something that you want to see in another way

In what way is soil the fundation of most life? that a soil thing have a shape that its strong for the humman view soo you can see that everything have a stong part.
How is this idea conveyed in Hofman's painting? creating a new wayt too see the paint because it have more waves than the others


  1. nice bloog man! very creative, nice work, keep up the good work!!

  2. good images, a very clear article keep going with the good work!
